fish tank

Discus Fish Disease

You must watch your aquarium fish closely so that they do not spread disease to one another like the Discus Fish Disease that is hazardous to the health of your fish. You can keep many disease in check with frequent water changes, but some do take special medication. Your fish should look healthy and be active, if they aren’t the list below might help you determine treatment.

When inspecting your fish for Discus Fish Disease, look also for little white dots This common parasite is called Ich which is short for Ichthyophthirius Although quite common, this disease can kill all your fish if not treated in time. Since it is usually caused by poor water quality, it is treated with water changes and medication that can be put into the tank. You can buy treatments for Ich at your local pet store or online.

Another problem caused by poor water is Grayish cottony patches. This fungus is caused by waste and extra food left in the tank. You can treat it by cleaning the tank, water changes and medicine that you can buy online or at your local pet store.

Diseases don’t keep to themselves so the Discus Fish Disease can at times be found in fish that have fin rot. This is another problem that can happen because of poor water quality. It can be treated with a medicine made for this problem. You may want to consider isolating any fish that have rotted fins to keep the disease from spreading.

If you notice your fish scraping against the bottom then he may have flukes. Flukes are a parasite that attach the gills and skin of the fish – once again poor water quality can be to blame. This disease is difficult to get rid of and the tank should be treated at the first sign of outbreak.

If you notice that your finned friends seem to be fish gasping for air Depending on the type of filter you are using and the shape of your tank, you may not be getting enough oxygen into the water. Add an airstone to the tank which will allow oxygen to enter the water through the air bubbles it makes.

When medicating your tank for Discus Fish Disease, remover to follow the directions on the label and only add the amount specified. Keeping a routine of water changes and tank cleaning will be your best bet to prevent any future outbreak of disease.

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