Decorating Your Tropical Fish Tank

Decorating Your Tropical Fish Tank

Once you have the important tasks of choosing a tank size, filtration system and lighting you can focus on the more “fun” task of decorating the aquarium.
The gravel and decorations you put in the tank enhance it’s appearance but they are also important elements for your tropical fish so don’t skip this step even though it may not seem as important as the rest.

Adding the right gravel to your tropical fish tank is critical, especially if you plan to use live plants in the tank as this is what will hold the plant roots. Even if you don’t want natural plants, gravel plays an important role in biological filtration as well as under gravel filtration if you have that type of filter. Aquarium gravel comes in different sizes and almost every color you can think of. While color is not important, size is and you should buy gravel that is 4 to 6 millimeters as this will allow for the proper flow of your under gravel filter. Those shiny “stones” or marbles might look cool, but are not an adequate substitute for gravel - if you really want them, put the gravel down first and then place a layer of stones on top.

Rocks are great to have you your tropical tank as they add to the natural look and provide a place for your fish to hide. You can buy rocks that are suitable for your tank at the tropical fish store, or just find some that you like outside. Before putting any rocks in your tropical fish tank, be sure to clean them thouroughly and make sure there is no moss or other “stuff” growing on them.

Bogwood is a fun addition to your tank and tropical fish love to swim and hide between the branches. Bogwood can last a long time in the tank and provide for a nice habitat. Be sure to only use the wood available in the tropical fish store as wood from your back yard might have parasites or may not be suitable for tropical fish.

Live plants can add a great natural look to the tank and be fun to keep along with your tropical fish. Be aware, however, that most live plants will need adequate lighting in order to flourish. Contrary to what you might have heard, most tropical aquarium plants are easy to grow, but many people fail to provide the proper lighting. If you have ever bought a plant only to see it turn pale and wilt in the tank, this is probably why. Of course, if taking care of plants and fish is too much for you, you can always buy plastic plants but live plants will have the added benefit of helping the water quality in your tropical tank.

Depending on the look you want for your tropical fish tank, rocks, plants and wood may be enough. If you want an interesting focal point like a sunken treasure chest or old Roman ruins, then you can find these and more in your local pet store. Some of the latest aquarium décor include two piece decorations like divers cut in half with magnets on both sides so you can place one part inside the tank and one outside and it looks like he is swimming into (or out of) the aquarium! Be careful with anything like this on an acrylic tank, however as they scratch easily. And don’t forget to make sure than you thoroughly clean and rinse anything you put in the tropical fish tank so as not to contaminate the water.

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